Large scale

High-temperature superconducting (HTS) materials, that become superconducting above the temperature of (cheap) liquid nitrogen, make possible more compact, efficient, and even disruptive technologies that can be integrated into all the links of the electrical energy chain, from generation to transmission and distribution, use and energy storage, enabling its decarbonisation. Howevere such technologies can be developed only if their design is guided and driven by numerical simulations, to avoid slow and expensive experiments. In our group, numerical simulation of superconductors-based electromagnets and coils are carried out with the H-formulation on COMSOL Multyphysics®, which allows obtaining results in good agreement with the theoretical calculations. The effect of external magnetic fields and injected superconducting currents can be studied for different geometries and material. Moreover Finite Element simulation of superconducting motors can be also carried out, coupling both thermal and electromagnetic parameters to check the feasibility of the superconducting cooling and the safety criteria for the magnetic field.