Research Activities


- - Cryogen free cryostat: 4 - 300 K
- - Cryogen free magnet: up to 5 T
- - 3D-Scanning Hall-probe Magnetometry

- - H and He beams: 0.5-5 MeV
- - Heavy ions (Au, Pb): 125-1200 MeV
- - Homogeneous irradiation and patterning

- - He cryostat: 4 - 300 K
- - 400 nm resolution
- - Hdc up to 0.2 T

- - Cryogen free cryostat: 5 - 300 K
- - Cryogen free magnet: up to 5 T
- - Vector Network Analyzer
Active Projects

HIBiSCUS aims at developing an exploitable method for the fabrication of a coated conductor (CC) prototype of the 11 phase with optimized pinning properties, so as to meet the requirements for the target for industrial applications (Jc = 0.1 MA/cm2 @ 4.2 K and 10 T, and production cost significantly reduced with respect to the present HTS technology.
The 11 phase among IBS families is chosen because 11-CC present the most outstanding superconducting properties, do not contain toxic elements and can be easily prepared following fabrication route matching the scalability required by applications.

SAMARA aims at developing and studying superconducting materials alternative to bulk Nb with low radiofrequency (rf) and microwave (mw) surface impedance at extreme conditions: high rf fields and high dc fields. The final goal of SAMARA is twofold: the realization of high performing elliptical accelerating cavities and the test in high dc field of a Nb3Sn haloscope. To reach these ambitious goals, a fundamental part of the project is focused on the characterization of ancillary physical properties, measurement of the quantities of interest in unexplored conditions, and systematization within a coherent theoretical framework.
Latest publications
- Complex vortex-antivortex dynamics in the magnetic superconductor EuFe2(As0.7P0.3)2
- Triple ion beam irradiation of glass-ceramic materials for nuclear fusion technology
- Microwave Analysis of Unconventional Superconductors with Coplanar-Resonator Techniques
- High-Frequency ac Susceptibility of Iron-Based Superconductors
- Nodal multigap superconductivity in the anisotropic iron-based compound RbCa2Fe4As4F2
- Modelling and Performance Analysis of MgB2 and Hybrid Magnetic Shields
- Design of a Module for a 10 MJ Toroidal YBCO Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage